The Power of Breathing…………….

The Power of Breathing…………….

I was really clueless about the deep secrets of breathing until at the age of 27 tremendous #workpressure#emotions, and #stress gave me a jolt to either #shapeup or #shapeout.

That’s when I realized that we are holding the power to transform using the technique of Breathing such as SKY. #power

How can I be helpful to you?
Your Smiles & Success are paramount.

We all are a complete chemical factory? How can we be Positive emotionally?

We all are a complete chemical factory? How can we be Positive emotionally?
#wellness #help

– Negative emotions drain us. Isn’t? Do you agree? Yes or No.
– Are there external factors or internal factors to these negative emotions?
– Negative emotions can be transformed with the Power of deep breathing such as SKY (Research says that)
We are:
– A complete living chemical factory
– Factory of all emotions; +ve or; -ev
– We can’t blame; We will need to take full responsibility for our own experiences
– Act wisely and mindfully
– Use breathing such as SKY to transform the state of mind.

Mental Wellness Series 1.6

Job Performance & Well-being

Mental Wellness Series 1.5
Job Performance has linkages with your Emotional Well-being.

– A person with purified emotions can do much more than one who has lots of negative emotions.
– Negative emotions tire you out, burn you out, and leave you with no energy to peak performance.
– The good thing is with deep breathing techniques such as SKY you can change negative emotions at your own will. (No medication needed). You feel light with clarity comes success.

#wellbeing #wellnessthatworks #wellnesslifestyle #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness

“Overthinking” or “Thinking Over”…

“Overthinking” or “Thinking Over”…


Smiles, Stress and Frowning

Can we all Smile please? 😀

“Research suggests that smiling reduces the stress hormones adrenaline, noradrenaline, and cortisol. Smiling activates hormones that maintain blood pressure, improve respiration, accelerate healing, stabilize mood, reduce pain, and relax muscles. Conversely, frowning may increase stress and stress-related hormones…”

#research #smiles #meditation #mindfulness #happy

Emotions and Breath are Connected

Mental Wellness Series 1.2

#wellness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthsupport

To see, Research work on SKY

Well-being of Working Professionals

Mental Wellness 1.1

“The latest survey by India’s National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) found that nearly 150 million Indians are in need of mental health care services, but fewer than 30 million are seeking care. “Over 10% of the population has diagnosable mental health or substance use disorder. Mental health is paramount, and getting treatment for mental disorders is not a luxury but a necessity,” Pratima Murthy, director of NIMHANS.”

#mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealthawarenessmonth #neurosciences #wellness